Do you have fabric scraps lying around your sewing room? Here are 5 sewing project ideas to make in under 10 minutes with those scraps that just end up in a pile, in the corner of your sewing room. 

It seems far too easy to throw away usable bits of fabric thinking it’s not useful for anything or maybe your someone who likes to accumulate scraps in a basket for years on end but never actually uses it for anything.

I must admit I am guilty of both these things. Due to lockdown here in New Zealand, I have been forced to work with what I have on hand. So I have come up with a few fun scrap busting project ideas. 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes

My scrap fabric pile is just waiting to be used. If you have a basket full too, pull them out and pick some of your favourite prints and colours! 

Below are the few prints from my fabric scrap pile that made the cut for these projects. I definitely have plenty more, which I will use for future scrap busting tutorials. Let me know in the comments section below if you would like to see more of these tutorials in the future? 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes


  • Scrap fabrics – non-stretch fabrics work best
  • 1/4 inch wide elastic 
  • Lace
  • Rice (any type) 
  • Essential oils (optional)
  • Matching threads
  • Sewing Machine
  • Measuring tape 
  • Fabric scissors
  • Pins

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5 Sewing Project Ideas to Make in Under 10 Minutes

  • Hand Warmers or Wheat bags
  • Quilted Pin Cushion
  • Headphone Case
  • Scrunchies
  • Utensil Holder


The first sewing project idea to make in under 10 minutes are hand warmers. These are perfect to pop into the microwave with a cup of water to heat up and take out with you on those colder mornings.

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes hand warmersIf you are wanting more of a wheat bag just cut your fabric bigger. Its the same concept!

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes hand warmersCut out a square for the top at 10x10cm and use this as a template to cut out the bottom piece. 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes hand warmersSew around the edge with a 1cm or 1/2 inch seam allowance leaving a small opening to put in the rice. 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes hand warmersTrim corners off and turn out to the right side and get the corners sitting nicely. Press if you want to. 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes hand warmers5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes hand warmersFill the hand warmer about 3/4 fill with any rice you have. You can also add some essential oils at this point too. I decided to add some peppermint essential oils to get a really nice relaxing smell.

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes hand warmersClose up the hole with an edge stitch.


When you have those tiny scraps it’s so easy to throw them away but please don’t. This is such a great way to sustainably use up your sewing room waste. 

I actually recommend getting a jar to put even the smallest bits into like what comes from your overlocking. You can use these bits for stuffing inside these pin cushions or door stops – a tutorial on that coming soon! 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushionMake yourself a few so you can have one at your sewing machine, the cutting table and in your sewing kit. These make really sweet gifts too. 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushionCut out a small square, I cut mine 6x6cm. Use this as a template to cut out three more squares. Experiment with pattern and colours its so much fun! 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushionPin two squares right sides together and sew a 5mm or 1/4 inch seam. Repeat for the other two squares and press seams open. 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushion

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushionPin together the pair of quilt squares right sides together, matching up the seam allowances. Sew a 5mm or 1/4 inch seam. Press open. 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushionUsing the top of pincushion as a template cut out the bottom piece or repeat the quilting steps above to make another for the bottom. 

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushionSew around the pincushion with a 1cm or 1/2 inch seam allowance leaving a small opening to put in the fabric scraps. Trim off the corners and turn the pincushion to the right side.

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushionGrab your scraps and stuff them inside the small opening until you can fit anymore in. It should be quite compact and firm so the pins won’t come through the bottom side.

5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes quilted pin cushionClose up the opening with an edge stitch.  


If I put my headphones into my handbag they always seem to get twisted and knotted up. So I have come up with a little headphone holder that you can use to store your headphones in before popping them into your handbag or gym bag.5 sewing projects to make in under 10 minutes  headphone case

You will need to fuse your fabric before cutting out the case to add some extra stability unless your chosen fabric is a medium – heavyweight. 

cutting out headphone caseNow find something round like a tape roll or the bottom of a cup will work well. Trace around onto your fabric with chalk and add a 1cm or 1/2 inch seam allowance. Cut this out. 

cut out half circles
Using the circle you just cut out as a template, fold in half and trace around it on the fabric. Add a 1cm or 1/2 inch seam allowance on the straight edge. Cut out two of these pieces. 

fold over half circle seam allowancesFold in 1cm or 1/2 inch seam allowance to wrong side and press in place. 

edgestitch down seamEdgestitch down the folded seams on both pieces. 

pin both sides to back

sew all the way around headphone casePin both half circles to the back of headphone case, right sides together. Sew all the way around with a foot width seam allowance. 

turn out headphone caseTurn through to the right side and press flat. 


Scrunchies are always a fun mini project to make with your fabric scraps. If you haven’t made them before be prepared to be making matching ones for your outfits from this point forward!!! 


cut out scrunchiesCut out a rectangle 12cm wide piece of fabric by about 30-40cm long. The longer the fabric the more gathered up your scrunchies will be. 

cut elastic 20cm longCut a piece of elastic 20cm long. 

iron seam downFold one end of the rectangle towards the wrong side about 1cm or 1/2 inch. Press in place. 

sew scrunchie
Fold the rectangle in half lengthwise and pin in place. Make sure to keep the folded seam allowance in place. Sew the long side with a 1cm or 1/2 inch seam allowance. 

turn the scrunchie through

turning through scrunchie

tie up elasticUsing a safety pin turn the scrunchy through to the right side. Remove the safety pin and pop onto one end of elastic and thread through the scrunchy. Tie up elastic in a knot. 

closing scrunchie

stitch scrunchy closedClose up the end by placing the raw end inside the folded end. Pin in place and edge stitch down to close.  


Reducing our waste is so important, which is why I came up with this utensil holder. We don’t need to be using plastic disposable knives and forks but I know it can be easy to forget to take your own. 

utensil holderBy having one of these ready to go in your car will mean you are less likely to forget your own cutlery meaning you won’t need to use the single-use plastic ones. 

cut out utensil wrap

cut out lining
Cut out a rectangle to fit the appropriate cutlery. I cut mine 28cm x 20cm. Use this as a pattern to trace out the lining. Cut lining out. 

cut out tiesYou will require some ties to wrap around and tie the utensil holder closed. You could use lace like me or make some ties. Cut two at 40cm long. 

attach tiesFold the front piece in half to find the centre point. Pin the ties on top of each other at this centre point. Sew to wrap with 5mm seam allowance. 

sewing together

edge stitch around holderPin the front and lining right sides together and sew around with a 1cm or 1/2 inch seam allowance. Leave a small opening about 2cm or 1 inch. Turn the wrap to the right sides and wiggle out the corners. Press flat. 

edge stitch wrapEdgestitch all the way around the utensil holder. 

fold wrap in half

sew lining top edgeFold in half and cut around 1cm out from the edges. Fold the top edge in 1cm and edge stitch in place. 

attach lining

sewing on pocketFold in 1cm seam allowances on other three edges and press in place. Pinto the lining on utensil holder. Edgestitch around. This will now look like a pocket.

sewing in pocket seperationsDivide up the utensil holder into 4 and mark the measurements onto the pocket. Sew along the lines to create dividers between the pocket. 

quick sewing projects



If you enjoyed this tutorial 5 sewing project ideas to make in under 10 minutes project, please consider sharing it with your friends and family. Don’t forget to tag me on Instagram @makylacreates

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